
  • Estate Planning
  • Estate and Trust Administration
  • Pre-Marital Agreements
  • Charitable Planning and Entities
  • General Corporate and Tax Law
  • Business Succession Planning

Areas of Practice

  • Advises clients through the estate planning process and prepares estate planning documents, including Wills, revocable trusts, irrevocable life insurance trusts, charitable lead and remainder trusts, qualified personal residence and retained income trusts, family limited partnerships, family limited liability companies, powers of attorneys, and living wills.
  • Represents fiduciaries, individually and in their representative capacities, in probate and trust disputes, caveats, will and trust interpretations, estate audits, family-related settlements.
  • Advises clients on the tax implications of proposed transactions, including the transfer of assets, business interests and insurance policies.
  • Succession planning for owners of closely-held businesses.
  • Planning for retirement, including qualified and nonqualified plans, and other employment-related benefits.
  • Formation and representation of charitable trusts and foundations, and advises clients on matters relating to charitable giving.
  • Represents fiduciaries, including the preparation and filing of all probate records, the maintenance of all estate and trust records and financial information, the review of fiduciary income tax returns, gift tax returns and federal estate tax returns, and the preparation of all other documents necessary for the proper administration of estates and trusts.
  • Advises clients entering into marital relationships and prepares pre-marital agreements, as well as post-marital agreements.
  • Formation of legal entities such as corporations, limited liability companies and partnerships.
  • Advises clients on general corporate and business law.
  • Advises clients on general tax law.